In winter, we need vitamin and mineral supplementation more than in spring or summer. We are more exposed to unfavorable atmospheric conditions, have significantly less sunshine, and our diet is often poorer in seasonal fruits and vegetables. Check out which supplements are worth taking in winter to survive this time in good health.
Vitamins and minerals are some of the most important nutrients that we need to provide to our body to keep it healthy and functional. They are crucial for the functioning of virtually all organs and systems in our body. They determine the efficient operation of the hormonal system, nervous system, and circulatory system, thus affecting our brain, heart, mental, and physical health.
For this reason, we should ensure that the level of vitamins and minerals in our body is always at the appropriate level. Supplements are helpful in this, especially in winter, when our menu has fewer fruits and vegetables than in the summer, spring, or autumn seasons.
Magnesium for fatigue and more Magnesium is one of the more important supplements to have in your home medicine cabinet. It's a mineral that supports the production of ATP molecules, which are the main carriers of energy in the body. They also have a significant impact on energy metabolism. Magnesium supplementation helps maintain energy at the right level and removes feelings of tiredness and sleepiness. In this respect, magnesium works better than coffee.
Vitamin B12 for energy If you feel like a bear in hibernation, quickly lose energy, and are constantly sleepy, you may need vitamin B12. Its supplementation increases vitality levels and also supports the functioning of the nervous and digestive systems. It also helps maintain healthy blood cells. Fainting, shortness of breath, and headaches may indicate a deficiency of vitamin B12.
If you don't want to take vitamin B12 supplements, often reach for eggs, dairy products, fish, and meat, which are rich sources of this ingredient.
Vitamin C for immunity If you don't want to get sick, take care of supplementing with vitamin C, which is a fundamental component supporting the immune system. It is also very helpful in treating inflammatory states and infections. Scientific research has proven that taking vitamin C during illness shortens its duration. Additionally, vitamin C facilitates the absorption of iron, participates in the production of red blood cells, improves brain function, protects against cavities, regulates blood pressure, strengthens blood vessels, and inhibits the oxidation of bad cholesterol.
Taking vitamin C during the winter period is particularly important as the body cannot produce it independently. Naturally, we can provide it with food by eating, for example, citrus fruits, apples, potatoes, peppers, cauliflower, broccoli, or pickles.
Omega 3 fatty acids for a good mood It's easy to feel down and discouraged in winter. Often, we don't even want to get out of bed. We have what's called winter blues, which magically disappears as soon as it starts to turn green and sunny outside. If you don't like this state, supplement with Omega 3 fatty acids. They will stimulate you to action and help maintain a good mood even on the shortest and grayest days.
Natural sources of Omega 3 are seafood, seeds, and nuts. Even if they are part of your diet, you can still reach for Omega 3 supplements in winter.
Vitamin D instead of sunlight In winter, days are very short, and to make matters worse, the sun rarely comes out from behind the clouds. Under such conditions, our body is unable to produce adequate amounts of vitamin D on its own, so we should regularly supplement it. Thanks to this, we will have a better mood and a more efficient immune system. Scientists have proven that people with normal levels of vitamin D are less likely to suffer from low mood. It is also an important component for the health of our bones, teeth, and muscles.
IMPORTANT If you want to take supplements, first talk to your family doctor, who will advise which preparations are worth incorporating into your daily routine.